Dealing With Nausea During Pregnancy:
Dealing With Nausea During Pregnancy – 6 Tips By Jaymi Green (@followmyfirst).
Some 70-80 percent of pregnant women will experience what is generally referred to as morning sickness. The good news is this condition which usually leaves the expecting mom drained and worn-out can be managed effectively. In this article, Jaymi Green (@followmyfirst) provides top tips on how you can cope with morning sickness, and hopefully, these tips will help in making you feel a whole lot better.
Nausea during pregnancy is a common symptom of early pregnancy. Also known as morning sickness, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy can happen at any time of the day and usually last through the first trimester.
In this article, I will be covering why we experience morning sickness, and tips on how to cope with it.
Why do we experience morning sickness? Nausea and vomiting can be one of the first signs of pregnancy and it usually starts as early as week five or six which is around two weeks after your missed period. Feeling nauseous during pregnancy is not necessarily a bad thing, indeed many doctors say that morning sickness is a good sign because it means the placenta is developing well and the baby is getting all the nutrients it needs as the baby grows. If you cannot keep any food down then you may have developed hyperemesis gravidarum. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a pregnancy complication that is characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration. This condition can be harmful to you and your baby if left untreated due to the lack of nutrients your body is getting.
How do you cope with dreaded nausea? These six tips will help deal with morning sickness during pregnancy:
1. Pressure points: Did you know that there is a pressure point on the inner aspect of your wrist that can help relieve nausea! How to find it, place the first three fingers of your right hand on the inner aspect of your left wrist. With the ring finger and right hand directly over the wrist, place all 3 fingers on the wrist. The acupuncture point will be located under the index finger. Press that point firmly to relieve nausea.
2. Eat Early: Stash 100 percent whole-grain crackers by your bedside and eat a few as soon as you wake up. It definitely helps to get something in your stomach before you start your day. Some women have found starting their day with a small bowl of cereal, decaf peppermint or ginger tea generally helps calms the stomach.
3. Go for a balanced diet: Aim for a diet high in protein such as chicken, turkey, eggs, greek yogurt, and complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables, and sweet potatoes. If you start adding rich, fatty food you may be more likely to suffer from nausea.
4. Eat healthy and high-calorie food: If you’re concerned about getting enough nutrients, try chicken noodle soup which will both hydrate you and give you calories. Also, smoothie bowls are another great option because they are easy to digest and are packed with all the nutrients you are looking for.
5. Ice cold remedies: Sucking on ice cubes or a popsicle may numb the stomach. The same is true with cold sports drinks, which will help replenish glucose and electrolytes if you are having a tendency to vomit. Also, some women have found that sniffing or sucking on lemons helps calms the stomach.
6. Stay clear of spicy, greasy foods: this can upset your stomach and cause heartburn. Avoid going to bed on a full stomach and you also might want to steer clear of cooking in your first trimester
Overall morning sickness is not fun, it really can be mentally and physically draining but I hope these tips will help make your pregnancy journey a much easier one.
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About the Author of Dealing With Nausea During Pregnancy: A certified personal trainer with CanFitPro. I am also a certified nutritionist, pre/postnatal certified trainer, TRX coach, core conditioning specialist, and FST and Kin taping specialist. My main clientele are pre and post-pregnancy clients so I have a lot of knowledge when it comes to pregnancy training and nutrition. Currently 15 weeks pregnant with my first child and so excited to share my journey and experience. I intend to make moms and soon to be moms get a better understanding of how to obtain a healthy and active pregnancy that’s safe for both them and the baby. Feel free to follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
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